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Multitasking my way into 2021

Thomas Allery

Off we go into a new week.. what will it look like? In many ways mine will look quite like other weeks. As a musician and teacher, there's always a huge variety of things to be done on the dreaded 'to do' list ... Practice - yes, thinking and planning - generating ideas - bringing them to life - yes. Is that work some might say? How do you quantify this? Video editing (that new 'very 2020' skill) - yes, repairing a harpsichord string (niche, I know) - yes, designing new teaching materials for next tranche of online teaching - oh yes, attending a friend's online concert - yes. What else? 'Admin' (what is 'admin' for you? scheduling online lessons on a variety of platforms? emails?) 'whatsapping' someone you haven't been in touch with for ages? Then of course planning teaching material and researching - yes.

tending to my collection of house plants - absolutely! The aloe vera collection continues to breed but needs careful monitoring. The Lord Bute (Pelargonium) needs re-potting very soon. Yoga - yes. Taking time to do or experience something new - with any luck?

Lots needs to be done, for sure. I'm lucky that I have lots to keep me going at this time, and music remains even in the depth of the pandemic, even though in a very different way. Keeping ideas alive, even after the very last glimmer of live music in a recording project has now been postponed - that is the task.

Welcome to my new blog ... check back for thoughts on music, education, teaching, life, multitasking!

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